māke (th)em say “brow-sa”

2014 was the year I started focusing on “growing out” my brows to make them look as close as possible to all those beautiful full brows that were popping up all around me.

As any child of the 90’s, mine were at one point extremely thin and basically nonexistent. My brow transformation all though it took a couple of years, was one of the best beauty decisions I have made. Thin brows just don’t work for most peeps. They age the face and cause a disproportionate look with facial features e.g. a larger looking forehead or nose. If you are going through this dreadful stage or are considering it, here are some tips on how to make the process of brow bulking a bit more tolerable.

Go To a Pro To Get Them Shaped.

I always compare doing eyebrows to painting a Monet. Brows look very different close up than far away making it very easy to tweeze a vital little hair. A pro will be able to help you devise a plan on what will look best for your face as well as help you maintain that look once it’s accomplished. Bonus: you’ll get some extra time added into your life as there will be no need to keep up with your tweezing.

Try Tinting Them.

A little color goes aaaaaalong way especially for us blondies! The tint actually adheres to those tiny little see-through hair causing a more filled-in look. For those of you that seem to be losing your ends, it can help make them appear again as those hairs seem to lose their pigment a little quicker than others.

Get Them Laminated.

A newer and very helpful trend is brow lamination. Brow lamination is when the brow hairs are permed straight, cut and shaped. This can fill in gaps (think fancy brow comb over), correct cowlicks, and makes brows appear bolder and thicker. Bonus, a brow lamination will last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks!

Three Words: Lash. Growth. Serum.

This was the ultimate brow saver for me!!! Even after six years of growing these babies back I still have bald spots. This is not abnormal at all after tweezing as much as I did! Putting lash serum on my brows (concentrating on those pesky gaps) has been a game changer especially for my brow tails that have never seem to have much hair. You will find brow growth serum on the market, but in my experience the lash serum’s applicators work a little better at getting down to the hair’s root. The best serums that I’ve found( so far) are: Latisse (obviously), Revitalash, and Babe Lash.

Document Your Progress.

Documenting progress of treatments (aka. taking pictures) is a very common practice in the world of esthetics. Changes in the body happen a little at a time. This can be very frustrating for the client (and practitioner) when you feel like you’re doing the work, but not seeing the change you desire. My recommendation is to take brow selfies every month and compare. What you see might still be a very gradual change, but it will keep you motivated to keep going.


your skin is an ôr-gan.


co-vid care.