health∙y skin in fôur steps.

I have been in the skincare industry for almost 20 years. During this time products and treatments have evolved rapidly causing an ever increasing amount of choices. As a skincare therapist this is exciting! New toys!!  Unfortunately from a consumer’s perspective I can see a different story. This can cause confusion with so many options at hand.  Although things have changed and new things have come into play, the basic daily steps for healthy skin remains the same. If you are just starting out a routine or questioning one you’ve already started here are the basic four steps you should do and why.


Cleansing should happen twice a day, morning and evening. In the evening, it washes away pollution, dirt and bacteria you have been summited to as well as any oil and makeup that has accumulated on your face. This helps the pores from becoming clogged, prevents environmental aging and prepares your skin to accept nutrients from other products.  In the morning, it washes away any sweat, oil or excess product that has built up during sleep.


Exfoliating is one of the most effective things you can do for your skin! As skin cells become closer to the end of their cycle they become flat and are less able to hold moisture. As these flat cells accumulate they can cause the skin to look dull and have an uneven texture. Since your pores are also lined with cells, this same accumulation can cause pores to clog resulting in a breakout.  Exfoliating helps reduce the skin of older cells helping the skin look smoother and brighter. One thing to keep in mind is  you can over exfoliate. Because of this knowing what type of exfoliation you are using is important. Exfoliators are broken down into three categories: chemical, enzymatic and physical. Chemical exfoliators are acids derived from fruits, sugar, nuts, plants and milk that are used to break down the cell structure. There are two categories of chemical exfoliants: BHA(beta hydroxy acid) and AHA (alpha hydroxy acid). BHAs are typically meant to treat acne/oily skin where AHAs penetrate deeper into the skin and treat a broader spectrum of conditions like fine lines and hyperpigmentation. Enzymatic exfoliators are enzymes from plants that digest the dead cell tissue where physical exfoliators physically removes cells by scrubbing them off. Chemical and enzyme exfoliators can be used daily to once a week depending on their strength and ingredients. Most physical exfoliator should only be  used 2-3 times per week. Exfoliating should be done during your evening routine so that environmental factors (UV ray,s and pollution) won’t cause any sensitivity to freshly exposed skin. 


The importance of toning the skin always seems to be forgotten when discussing skincare regimens.  Toners are meant to balance out the ph level of your skin. What does this mean exactly and why is this so important? On the surface of your skin you have what is called the acid mantle. This is a thin film made up of oil and natural occurring acids in the skin (hence the name). This mantle is the skins first defense mechanism against bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. It also is a key component for keeping moisture and the good bacteria(yes there’s good bacteria on your skin just like in your gut) in tacked. When we cleanse or exfoliate this can change the ph of this film and can cause tiny cracks making the skin more vulnerable. The Acid mantle does repair itself, however it can take up to twelve hours to do so. Toners are a quicker and much more  efficient way of doing this. Leaving the skin protected and prepped for your next step(s). Toning should be done twice a day after either cleansing or exfoliating and before you moisturize.


Everyone should be moisturizing! Moisturizing is what protects the skin from getting too dehydrated. (Yes, oily skin can become this way too! It actually will get oilier.) Keeping the skin moisturized is essential in protecting theacid mantle. Moisturizers come in all different textures and can contain different types of nutrients to focus on treating certain skin conditions. This should be done twice daily and during the morning routine should contain an SPF of 30 or higher.

Knowing the basic steps is the easy part. Implementing them into your daily routine takes a little motivation especially when trying to be consistent as  products work best when used this way.  Try a goal of 21 days and then move on from there. It’s proven that once something is done for that amount of time the habit will have an easier time sticking around. 


the ac∙id man∙tle.


your skin is an ôr-gan.