What is Reiki?

What is Reiki? As a Reiki  Master Practitioner and Teacher I get this question all the time! By definition Reiki is a Japanese energy technique that promotes relaxation and healing.  The question that usually follows this: is how? The most simple answer that I can give is that the energy is transferred by the the laying of hands and or hand positions held above the body.  

This answer for me is never enough. To me things in life are never just black and white. I’m always the skeptic and looking for a better explanation for things I’ve been told. When I do find the answer it typically falls in the grey area where two different truths, stories or theories meet. I find myself here often especially when it comes to spirituality and science. I love both and throughout my lifetime have been told that they can’t co-exist. I beg to differ and to me Reiki is a good example of this. 

I became interested in Reiki when I had an influx of cancer patients come to me for help with skin issues caused by chemo. As I got to know these people and their stories I wanted to do more for them. Although most were in very treatable stages, many were in stage 4, under going  lifelong chemotherapy and/or enjoying their last months here on Earth. Options for them were tapped out. I felt helpless! I started to research ways that I could help and Reiki came up several times. At the time I was familiar to Reiki, I had worked with several massage therapists that were also Reiki practitioners. The practiced seemed mythical and somewhat theatrical to me, nonetheless, I was curious. The thought of easing some pain and bringing a deeper feeling of peace or relaxation to another was appealing to me so I signed up for a Reiki 1 course figuring at the end of the day it couldn’t hurt anything. Knowledge is power, right?

The instructor immediately fed into my skepticism as he shot Reiki sword beams from his fingers as he taught. It was assuming and very confusing at the same time! I was sitting there with many educated medical professionals thinking to myself what the hell did I sign up for and are these people as smart as their credentials say they are. Then the “attunement”and practical training began.

In Reiki training, the energy is passed down from Master to student during a series of mediations. There were at least 35 students in this class and the medtiations took at least an hour and a half each. I was stunned that I was able to focus in meditation that long and the heat sensation I felt in my hands still blows my mind.

I have Raynauds. Raynauds is a condition where the smaller arteries particularly in the hands and feet constrict excessively limiting blood supply. My hands always feel cold! To feel the amount of heat I felt/feel in my hands during Reiki is something that I’d never felt before. Actually sometimes my hands still will be cold to the touch, but I’ll feel heat around them and the person I’m treating will feel heat from them as well. It’s strange and I have yet to find an explanation other than the Reiki energy doing its job. 

Honestly this idea hurts my brain. I can feel what I’m feeling, but my mind has a hard time understanding it. I will say that I’ve had to become ok with the fact that there are things that are out there without a known reason and this is one of them. 

Long story short, I don’t know how exactly Reiki is transferred, but I can give you the spiritual and scientific reasonings that I have found and have been taught.


Reiki is a loving, healing energy force that works through a practitioner as a vessel. It is not the practitioner doing the healing, but the energy itself. The practitioner uses their intuition to follow the Reiki’s lead as it works down energy channels clearing energetic blocks called bioki.  Because this energy is coming from the Universal Source it cannot cause harm to either practitioner or client. 

Although it was founded by Buddhist, Mikao Usui and some practitioners choose to use spiritual guides which can encompass some religious beliefs within their practice there is no religion associated with Reiki.


Everything on this Earth is made up of space and energy. All energy has a vibration. We are now finding that this also includes our human conscience. Things vibrate on both low and high frequency depending on the amount of energy that is being emitted. According to theory, health/positivity vibrate on a higher frequency than illness/negativity. So why wouldn’t the intent of good will or love raise the vibration around? Here enters Reiki.

Although most scientific studies have found little indication that Reiki does in fact heal. They all indicate the participants feel better and relaxed at the end of their sessions. Although, some have suggested that this may be a placebo effect. The feelings of heat felt by both practitioner and participant have been noted.  I have a feeling as popularity of Reiki grows so will the information that is discovered. 


Whatever your standing is either spiritual, scientific, or you like to dance around in the grey area like myself. Reiki brings some food for thought and an opportunity for some potential relief and relaxation.


happy acne awareness month


the ac∙id man∙tle.